What I'm up to

(last edited )

Studying first year at university as a Computer Scientist, coming to terms with the amount of math. Theoretical CS, yea!…. Second semester going… decently? Hoping to leave more time for hobbies this time around, but no cigar yet.

Attempting to read more books, playing reasonable amount of games. Somehow, the backlog only grows regardless.

Miss playing guitar, but don’t have access to one at the moment.

Considering learning another foreign language. My heart says German, but my brain would prefer French or Chinese. (Un)fortunately, my actions prove the winning choice is Nothing, language spoken in Procrastiland.

Thinking of beginning the search for a first proper job, however volunteering at my university fills the niche for now.

Trying to cut down on time wasted online since December 2024. So far failing, but I didn’t hear no bell.

This is my now page.