Summer Retrospective

(last edited ) lang: en ru 

I am in bed, with a laptop, ready to type. Just returned from a trip organised by my university, now I can definitely call myself a student. Strange - having spent a week in a forest with 2 thousands fellow freshmen, it’s almost like my whole life was that. And not sitting in comfort with an electronic device in hand.

Surviving in relative wilderness was challenging. Having to cook your own food, sleeping 4 hours a day in a cramped tent, forgetting what is a shower, it was all an experience. But it is these kinds of hardships that bond people together. I learned more about the university I chose to spend next 6+ years of my life with, the kind of people who’ll surround me there, and those who will teach us. And in the end, I regret nothing.

Each day was extremely eventful. A few times tried remembering something from a couple days ago - then realised it happened this morning. We went to events by student organisations (hey YSC and Unial!), attended concerts, and even had the rector come for a talk! Add the aforementioned need to cook food, and we barely had free time - but that’s a good thing.

I hope, no, I am certain I came out of this a better person. This trip cemented I am far from the socially awkward and quiet kid I was only a few short years of eternity ago. I don’t want to and simply can’t waste my life hiding online, “to be this kind of animal”, anymore. I made new friends, danced, hopefully joined student organisations, had the time of my life. And I promise myself to stay on this path, to be better every day.

But I also did not loose sight of why I’m here as a student. Why instead of going for an easier degree and easier life I’m preparing for the notoriously hard track ahead. A few times, talking to students from elsewhere, I subconsciously asked myself if “these stars were never mine to chase”. But one of the people representing faculties put it very well - with how the world is, it is a privilege for us to be calmly studying under peaceful skies, a privilege that is paid for with blood. It is our duty to study so well, we can look others in the eyes without shame.

I could write more. There is a lot to tell. How a guy stood in toilet queue in a gas mask, how we shouted CSKA chants… Instead, I will write 4 simple words that define it all.

Мужество. Воля. Труд. Упорство.

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